In our Erasmus+ project Building Capacity for Informal Adult Education and Debate on the EU the pan-European perspective is at the heart. The three partner organisations, Democracy in Europe Organisation from Denmark, Europahuis Ryckevelde from Flandern in Belgium and CROSOL from Croatia, have created a handy and functional guide that communicates the project results and methodology to people interested in bettering their adult educational practices. In this guide, the three partner organisations represent the collective efforts of our partnership and the results that we have gathered throughout the process.

The guide functions as a handbook for other adult education organisations and others with an interest in increasing and reaching the number of adult learners. The guide includes: 1) An introduction to the project covering goals, achievements, and significance for collaboration and conversation across the EU, 2) A how-to-guide for adult education with 7 tips on adult education and how to engage people in EU-related topics locally, 3) A guide on how to engage people in pan-European discussions with suggestions on how to involve people in broader discussions, 4) An evaluation of the our project Building Capacity for Informal Adult Education and Debate on the EU, and 5) Other resources about adult education and EU-related topics.

The guide has been written in an English version and in all three native languages of the participating countries as well. You will first see the English version of the guide, and after that you can find a Danish version, the Flemish version, and the Croatian version.

Read the engagement guide with methodology and practices on how to do adult education below.